What is high blood pressure, symptoms and treatment ?
High Blood Pressure, basically called Hypertension. It occurs when your blood pressure reaches an unhealthy condition. when your blood pressure increases to unhealthy levels. over the long term, increased pressure can cause health issues, including heart diseases.
What are the Risk Factors of High Blood pressure?
There are top 10 Risk Factors of High Blood Pressure which includes the following:
If you have high blood pressure, the higher the pressure puts extra strain on your heart and blood vessels. High blood pressure can cause heart and kidney diseases.
Hypertension is quite common. You can have these diseases without any symptoms and affect your health like heart diseases.
High blood pressure develops over many years it affects nearly everyone it is easily detected by the doctors once you can be treated.
The risk factors include obesity, drinking alcohol, smoking, and family factors.
What are the Symptoms of High Blood Pressure?
If your Blood pressure increases too much, the following symptoms arise, which includes:
- Severe Headache
- Fatigue
- Confusion
- Vision Problems
- Chest pain
- Difficulty breathing
- Irregular Heartbeat
- Shortness of Breath
- Nosebleeds
- Anxiety
What are the Risk Factors of High Blood pressure?
There are top 10 Risk Factors of High Blood Pressure which includes the following:
- Being Overweight or Obese
- Too much Salt in your food
- Cough and Cold Medications
- A diet having low Vitamin D
- Certain Chronic Conditions
- Stress
- Not physically active
- Lack of potassium in your Diet
- Drinking Alcohol
What are the treatments Of High Blood Pressure?
1. Get Regular Physical Activity: Do regular exercising 30-60 minutes in a day, which is the most important part of healthy living which helps you to beneficial for your mood, Strength, and balance. It also helps to decrease your diabetes.
Do yoga or weightlifting twice a week, if you are not interested in the Gym.
2. Eating a healthy Diet: for maintaining your blood pressure, you have to eat your diet in a proper way. You have to follow the diet that reduces your hypertension. The diet you have to take which reduces your hypertension is called the DASH diet. DASH means dietary approach to stop hypertension or blood pressure. The DASH diet consists of:
- Eating Fruits, Vegetables.
- Eating Dairy Products with low fat.
- Eliminate foods that are high in saturated fats.
3. Limiting the amount of alcohol you Drink: Drinking too much alcohol is very injurious for health that affects your heart, as well as your blood pressure, will increase. if you drink a glass of red wine with your dinner, it is perfectly ok. because it helps you to cure your heart diseases.
4. Loss of Excess Weight: Weight and blood pressure go hand in hand. Losing 10 pounds means you have improved your blood pressure.
5. Stress Level: Stress can automatically increase your blood pressure. So you have to maintain your stress level. if your stress level increases then it affects your heart as well as blood pressure.
Read: Cholesterol Levels
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